Feral Solutions

Tree Care and Arborist Consulting


  • We love talking about trees with clients. It’s not just about cutting trees down, pruning, and planting, its also about planning, care, and peace of mind. We are happy to stop by your home or land and give guidance about future steps one can take concerning all things trees. From planting to removal, cabling to trunk injections. Even if we do not offer the service we are happy to give recommendations for crews who can help you reach your goals and give you guidance moving forward.

  • Cabling is a practice that helps a tree withstand the stresses of wind and ice where they are most vulnerable to failure. Cabling and bracing is never 100% guaranteed to save your tree, but in certain situations it is a great way to help prevent catastrophic failure of major limbs and give a tree a fighting chance!

  • Pruning is often a preferable alternative to removal in order to protect homes and infrastructure. Regular pruning can also prolong a trees life. By removing rubbing, crossing, or infected branches we can keep trees happy longer.

  • We’re arborists because we love trees, and want them to live long lives. That said their are a lot of reasons to cut a tree down. It could be dying and is now a risk to our home, or maybe its invasive and we are hoping to restore a forest or replant something else. If you need a tree removed let us help do it safely and talk about options or removal and disposal.

  • Pruning trees for fruit production or ornamental flowers is both an art and a science. Whether its your gorgeous flowering dogwoods and Japanese maples, or your beloved peach trees and that behemoth of an apple tree on the back 40 we’d love to help.

  • Sometimes our trees start to lose foliage at odd times, or their leaves just don’t look right. Other times we might notice mushrooms or other odd growths on our tree. These are often signs of stress, disease, or pests in a tree. Many of these concerns are treatable with the addition of nutrients a tree is missing in an urban environment, or with medications that help fight against pests and pathogens. If you suspect your tree is sick or has an infection let us know and we’d love to come help!

  • We volunteer as part of the Michigan Botanical Society’s “Big Tree Program”. If you think you have a tree that qualifies feel free to reach out or check out the Big Tree Data base by clicking the link below

    Michigan Big Tree Database

As a member of the International Society of Arboriculture we represent not only a commitment to the science and health of trees, but also professionalism and quality work. Click below to find out more about the services we offer.

Resident ISA Certified Arborist

Kelley Smith

Certification ID: MI-4765A

Email: Feral.Solution@gmail.com

Phone: 989.601.6446

Service area and friends

Locally owned and operated in Lansing Michigan, we are proud to serve the greater Lansing area including Okemos, Mason, Grand Ledge and St. Johns. If you are not in the area don’t hesitate to reach out with your tree questions and concerns we are open to travel! We happily contract with other teams to help provide safe and reliable tree work where ever we go. Check out some of our local friends at Dewitt Tree Care, Majestic Tree Care, and Top Notch just to name a few other companies we recommend or work with.